A: I wouldn't mind doing a political show. We wanted to spin the City Hall piece off between seasons three and four and continue it right into the statehouse and beyond, perhaps. But HBO only needed one thinly watched show out of Baltimore. Who knew? If the opportunity ever presented itself to do a political show on the right terms, then maybe so. Right now, we've got other projects unrelated to The Wire, though.
It isn't about the money, though I admire the efforts of the actors to obtain funding. It's about story. To continue a story because you can isn't the point. To continue a story because you have something more to say, there's the rub. It's important to know the end of a tale when you see it.
Q: Don't forget you promised us the gag reels and outtakes for the final DVD set. Has HBO said when it will be released? [Linda, Glen, Greg]
A: I don't know about outtakes. We'll try, though it will be hard to gather that string now that we're wrapped and we have no editors working. But yeah, it would be fun to throw the gag reels on there. Some of that stuff -- the work of our post-production department, mostly -- is quite funny.
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