A: It brought it back home, didn't it? We thought so, anyway.
Q: You said at the Ella Fund event that Herc is redeemed and Sydnor is the only one who gets out unsullied. Did the script creep before the finale was shot? Neither seemed to me to be that upstanding in the end. [Jim, Jason]
A: Herc was redeemed. He has a job, a profession. He's happy. Did you think I meant redeemed as in heroic and with his dignity intact? It's The Wire, dawg. And Sydnor? I believe I said that he was unsullied at the point of the Ella event. But we had one last season to go. I would never have given away character endings a year in advance. You took me literally. Sorry. My bad, maybe.
Q: The finale "cast party" at Kavanaugh's was a lot of fun. Did you release the preview information about the "wake" in the finale to send the Internet into a speculation frenzy? [Doug]
A: All speculation frenzy was laid bare by the leaking of our episodes to the Internet over the last couple years. Frustrating shit, but inevitable I guess. We are officially the most leaked show in the history of television at this point, and the number of downloads off the sites that calculate such is remarkable. Flattering in a weird way, but I'd rather have the viewers on HBO, for obvious reasons.
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