A: Three quarters of the way to our $1 million goal. We will get there, too. And thanks to everyone who helped us and is helping still. Long after no one remembers The Wire or The Corner or anything to do with television in Baltimore, there will be programming at inner-city rec centers that is ongoing and perpetual.
Q: Who gets your vote for President? Do they have a chance to get it right? [Glen, Brian]
A: Obama pimped himself pretty hard with that Omar comment, didn't he? Well, I'm waiting to see if Hillary shows Kima some love. My political leanings being somewhat to the left of the Democratic Party, I'd imagine that John McCain is going to have to lay down on the pool table in Kavanagh's and sing Pogues lyrics before he gets my attention, but hey, I'll try to keep an open mind right until I drop the lever.
Q: Thank you, David, for one terrific ride!
A: No, thanks to you Jim and thanks to all the viewers engaged on this site. In case you don't visit, I posted some sentiment about our viewership on the HBO website because that is our digital home, of course. But everything said there applies to the folks on this site and others as well. Thanks for taking our work seriously.
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