A: Smug? How about smug and snide. Yes, that's what I am. Also, I am the angriest man in television. Which is faint praise when you think about it. The second angriest man is by his kidney-shaped pool in Bel Air, yelling into a cellphone because his gross points on the DVDs are insufficient. The third angriest man is asleep on his office sofa.
No, the weird thing is my head is mostly in another place right now. This project ended for us when we locked and mixed the last episode months ago. I'm in London now, editing Generation Kill, and so that's where the head is at. Not a lot of time to glance in the rearview mirror.
As I've long said, I would -- if I could engage in do-overs -- fight to get that flashback out of the pilot.
Other stuff? Of course. Nothing like The Wire is ever going to be perfect or close to it. But to pull it apart now in my head doesn't make much sense. We did the best we could with the time and resources and talent we had. Same with every project. I think The Wire will stand and it will be relevant for a while. But I know that some things of which I was proud earlier in my career don't stand up as I thought they would, so...onward.
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