WP: I can't tell you. About this season, things are going to be resolved. It's all about the choices that people make.
JK: Do you like where your character is going this year? It would be a shame if you got shot in the last episode.
WP: Yeah, I do like where my character has gone, and I'm waiting with baited breath for the last two episodes. Actually, it would not be a shame if Bunk gets shot. Something may happen, you never know. I actually would not mind. You will see that a price has to be paid for the choices people make, and you can't live a certain way or act a certain way without a tax being exacted. That's gonna happen on the streets, in city hall, in the media, and the police. And that McNulty who stirred things up in the early seasons? He's back.
JK: We will be watching. What's next for you?
WP: I am just finishing this film called "Bolden!," about a jazz trumpeter at the turn of the century. I play a Don King-like character who is a promoter. I'm looking forward to laying on a beach somewhere and seeing my wife Nadine.
JK: What's your favorite memory of "The Wire"?
WP: I always say it's the people you meet and the work you do, and it could not be better than "The Wire." I am so proud to be part of American television this year. Spike Lee got one of those HBO screener sets, and he watched it all in one day. He called me and said, "It's addictive, I love it."
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