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Q: What about a storyline about inner city women or organized religion
as an institution? [Karen Neuman, Tony Harris]
A: Could work. I would probably need a few more women in the writers'
room, though. Also, a few more deists, I suspect.
Bunch of testosterone-laden heathens, we are, crude and limited in our
Q: The gangs of young'uns remind me of the Sharks and the Jets (West
Side Story), not to mention the black shirts and the white shirts.
Will they break into a song and dance later in the season? [Jim King]
A: I don't know that we were channeling Sondheim. The primitive
application of crude, junior-league gang colors -- a not uncommon motif
among kids crewing up in certain Baltimore neighborhoods -- does,
however, make it easier for one to see who's getting beat or chased by
whom, doesn't it? Particularly when we've just met these kids half an
episode earlier. If at any point the boys become musical, I promise
Marlo and Snoop will invoke fully automatic weapons.
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