Starting July 1, 2005, I will no longer be regularly updating This Week's News, site links, events, and the RSS
newsfeed. I take this step with some regret, as I have committed a lot of time and effort to this site since
taking it over in 1998, but life and the web move on.
"Homicide" has been gone for eight years, and "The Wire" has wrapped. Blogs, discussion
groups, forums, and corporate sites have replaced personal pages devoted to TV shows. Newspapers now make deep
linking specific articles problematic by requiring subscription fees and registration, and they expire articles so quickly
that it makes site upkeep a constant battle. These facts and the decline in site visitors, newsfeed readers,
contributors, and buyers have led me reluctantly to this decision.
These pages will probably disappear sometime in 2008 unless someone comes along to take over. I will gladly help
anyone who wants to make the commitment. Please save any images and files you want and bookmark your favorite links.
Thank you for your past support. Be sure to visit The Wire site.
Jim King on June 04, 2008 | Continue to "Homicide: Links on the Sites" >> |