Letter To Me
She's Everything
Find Yourself
The World
When I Get Where I'm Going
Two People Fell In Love
I Wish You'd Stay
Letter To Me
She's Everything
Find Yourself
The World
When I Get Where I'm Going
Two People Fell In Love
I Wish You'd Stay
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1st Verse

I remember tryin' not to stare
The night that I first met you
You had me mesmerized
And three weeks later in the front porch light
Takin' forty-five minutes to kiss goodnight
I hadn't told you yet
But I thought I loved you then
And now you're my whole life
Now you're my whole world
I just can't believe
The way I feel about you, girl
Like a river meets the sea
Stronger than it's ever been
We've come so far since that day
And I thought I loved you then
2nd Verse
And I remember takin' you back
To right where I first met you
You were so surprised
There were people around, but I didn't care
I got down on one knee right there
And once again
I thought I loved you then
(Repeat Chorus)
I can just see you
With a baby on the way
I can just see you
When your hair is turnin' gray
What I can't see is how I'm ever
Gonna love you more
But I've said that before
Tag Chorus
And now you're my whole life
Now you're my whole world
I just can't believe
The way I feel about you, girl
We'll look back some day
At this moment that we're in
And I'll look at you and say,
'And I thought I loved you then'
'And I thought I loved you then'
The night that I first met you
You had me mesmerized
And three weeks later in the front porch light
Takin' forty-five minutes to kiss goodnight
I hadn't told you yet
But I thought I loved you then
And now you're my whole life
Now you're my whole world
I just can't believe
The way I feel about you, girl
Like a river meets the sea
Stronger than it's ever been
We've come so far since that day
And I thought I loved you then
2nd Verse
And I remember takin' you back
To right where I first met you
You were so surprised
There were people around, but I didn't care
I got down on one knee right there
And once again
I thought I loved you then
(Repeat Chorus)
I can just see you
With a baby on the way
I can just see you
When your hair is turnin' gray
What I can't see is how I'm ever
Gonna love you more
But I've said that before
Tag Chorus
And now you're my whole life
Now you're my whole world
I just can't believe
The way I feel about you, girl
We'll look back some day
At this moment that we're in
And I'll look at you and say,
'And I thought I loved you then'
'And I thought I loved you then'

1st Verse
I work down at the Pizza Pitt
And I drive an ol' Hyundai
I still live with my mom and dad
I'm five foot three and overweight
2nd Verse
I'm a sci-fi fanatic
A mild asthmatic
Never been to second base
But there's a whole 'nother me
That you need to see
Go check out MySpace
1st Chorus
'Cause I'm online
I'm out in Hollywood
I'm six foot five and I look damn good
I drive a Maserati
I'm a blackbelt in karate
And I love a good glass 'a wine
It turns girls on
That I'm mysterious
I tell 'em I don't want nothin' serious
'Cause even on a slow day
I can have a three-way
Chat with two women at one time
I'm so much cooler online
So much cooler online
3rd Verse
I get home
I kiss my mom
And she fixes me a snack
And I head down to my basement bedroom
And fire up my Mac
4th Verse
In real life
The only time I've
Ever even been to LA
Is when I got the chance
With the marchin' band
To play tuba in the Rose Parade
2nd Chorus
But I'm online
I live in Malibu
I pose for Calvin Klein
I've been in GQ
I'm single and I'm rich
And I got a set 'a six-pack abs
That would blow your mind
It turns girls on
That I'm mysterious
I tell 'em I don't want nothin' serious
'Cause even on a slow day
I can have a three-way
Chat with two women at one time
I'm so much cooler online
Yeah, I'm cooler online
It's hard to get a date
Let alone a real girlfriend
But I grow another foot
And I lose a bunch 'a weight
Every time I log in
Tag Chorus
Oh, I'm online
I'm out in Hollywood
I'm six foot five and I look damn good
Even on a slow day
I can have a three-way
Chat with two women at one time
I'm so much cooler online
Yeah, I'm cooler online
Yeah, I'm so much cooler online
Yeah, I'm cooler online
Hey, I'm cooler online
Yeah, you oughtta see me online
Hey, I'm cooler online

1st Verse
Every time you take a sip
In this smoky atmosphere
You press that bottle to your lips
And I wish I was your beer
And in the small there of your back
Your jeans are playin' peek-a-boo
I'd like to see the other half
Of your butterfly tattoo
Pre Chorus
Hey, that gives me an idea
Let's get out of this bar
Drive out into the country
And find a place to park
('Cause) I'd like to see you
Out in the moonlight
I'd like to kiss you (baby)
Way back in the sticks
I'd like to walk you
Through a field of wildflowers
And I'd like to check you for ticks
(Oh, I'd sure like to check you for ticks)
(Come on)
2nd Verse
I know the perfect little path
Out in these woods I used to hunt
Don't worry, babe, I've got your back
And I've also got your front
I'd hate to waste a night like this
I'll keep you safe, you wait and see
The only thing allowed to crawl all over you
When we get there, is me
Pre Chorus
You know every guy in here tonight
Would like to take you home
But I've got way more class than them
Babe, that ain't what I want
(Repeat Chorus)
Now oooh, you never know where one might be
And oooh, there's lots of places that are hard to reach (I gotcha)
(Repeat Chorus)

1st Verse
If I could write a letter to me
And send it back in time to myself at 17
First, I'd prove it's me by saying,
'Look under your bed
There's a Skoal can and a Playboy
No one else would know you hid'
2nd Verse
And then I'd say, 'I know it's tough
When you break up after seven months'
And yeah, I know you really liked her
And it just don't seem fair
But all I can say is, 'Pain like that
Is fast and it's rare'
1st Chorus
And oh, you got so much goin' for 'ya
Goin' right
But I know, at 17
It's hard to see past Friday night
She wasn't right for you
And still you feel like there's a knife
Stickin' outta your back
And you're wonderin' if you'll survive it
But you'll make it through this and you'll see
You're still around to write this letter to me
3rd Verse
At the stop sign at Tomlinson and Eighth
Always stop completely
Oh, don't just tap your brakes
And when you get a date with Bridget
Make sure the tank is full
On second thought, forget it
That one turns out kinda cool
4th Verse
Each and every time you have a fight
Just assume you're wrong and Dad is right
And you should really thank Miss Brinkman
She spent so much extra time
It's like she sees the diamond underneath
And she's polishin' you 'til you shine
2nd Chorus
And oh, you got so much goin' for 'ya
Goin' right
But I know, at 17
It's hard to see past Friday night
Tonight's the bonfire rally
But you're stayin' home instead
Because if you fail Algebra
Mom and Dad'll kill you dead
But trust me, you'll squeak by and get a 'C'
And you're still around to write this letter to me
You got so much up ahead
You'll make new friends
You should see your kids and wife
And I'd end by sayin'
'Have no fear
These are nowhere near
The best years of your life'
I guess I'll see you in the mirror
When you're a grown man
P.S. go hug Aunt Rita
Every chance you can
Tag Chorus
And oh, you got so much goin' for 'ya
Goin' right
But I know, at 17
It's hard to see past Friday night
I wish you'd study Spanish
I wish you'd take a typin' class
I wish you wouldn't worry
Let it be
Hey, I'd say, 'Have a little faith and you'll see'
If I could write a letter to me
To me

1st Verse
She's a yellow pair 'a runnin' shoes
A holey pair 'a jeans
She looks great in cheap sunglasses
She looks great in anything
She's I want a piece 'a chocolate
Take me to a movie
She's I can't find a thing to wear
Now and then she's moody
2nd Verse
She's a Saturn with a sunroof
With her brown hair a'blowin'
She's a soft place to land
And a good feelin' knowin'
She'a a warm conversation
That I wouldn't miss for nothin'
She's a fighter when she's mad
And she's a lover when she's lovin'
And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
(And) I talk about her
I go on and on and on
'Cause she's everything to me
3rd Verse
She's a Saturday out on the town
And a church girl on Sunday
She's a cross around her neck
And a cuss word 'cause it's Monday
She's a bubble bath and candles
Baby, come and kiss me
She's a one glass 'a wine
And she's feelin' kinda tipsy
4th Verse
She's a giver I wish I could be
And the stealer of the covers
She's a picture in my wallet
Of my unborn children's mother
She's the hand that I'm holdin'
When I'm on my knees and prayin'
She's the answer to my prayers
She's the song that I'm playin'
(Repeat Chorus)
5th Verse
She's the voice I love to hear
And someday when I'm ninety
She's that wooden rockin' chair
I want rockin' right beside me
Every day that passes
I only love her more
Yeah, she's the one
That I'd lay down my own life for
Tag Chorus
And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
And she's everything to me
Yeah, she's everything to me
Everything I ever wanted
And everything I need

1st Verse
When you find yourself
In some far-off place
And it causes you
To re-think some things
You start to sense
That slowly you're becoming someone else
And then you find yourself
2nd Verse
And when you make new friends
In a brand new town
And you start to think
About settlin' down
The things that would've been lost on you
Are now clear as a bell
And you find yourself
Yeah, that's when you find yourself
(There you) (We) go through life
So sure of where (you're) (we're) headin'
And (you) (then we) wind up lost
And it's the best thing (that) could'a happened
('Cause) sometimes when you lose your way
It's really just as well
Because you find yourself
Yeah, that's when you find yourself
3rd Verse
When you meet the one
That you've been waitin' for
And she's everything
That you want and more
You look at her, and you finally start
To live for someone else
And then you find yourself
Yeah, that's when you find yourself
(Repeat Chorus)

1st Verse
To the teller down at the bank
You're just another checkin' account
To the plumber that came today
You're just another house
At the airport ticket counter
You're just another fare
At the beauty shop at the mall, well
You're just another head 'a hair
(Well) that's alright
That's okay
(If) (When) you don't feel important
Honey, all I got to say is
To the world
You may be just another girl
But to me
Baby, you are the world
2nd Verse
To the waiter at the restaurant
You're just another tip
To the guy at the ice cream shop
You're just another dip
When you can't get reservations
'Cause you don't have the clout
Or you didn't get an invitation
'Cause somebody left you out
(Repeat Pre-Chorus)
(Repeat Chorus)
You think you're one of millions
But you're one in a million to me
When you wonder if you matter, baby
Look into my eyes
And tell me can't you see
You're everything to me
(Repeat Pre-Chorus)
(Repeat Chorus)

1st Verse
I can make anybody pretty
I can make you believe any lie
I can make you pick a fight
With somebody twice your size
Well, I've been known to cause a few breakups
And I've been known to cause a few births
I can make you new friends
Or get you fired from work
1st Chorus
(And) (Yes) since the day I left Milwaukee
Lynchburg and Bordeaux, France
(I've) been makin' the bars
Lots 'a big money
And helpin' white people dance
(Yeah,) I got you in trouble in high school
But college, now that was a ball
You had some of the best times
You'll never remember with me
Alcohol, alcohol
2nd Verse
I got blamed at your wedding reception
For your best man's embarrassing speech
And also for those naked pictures of you at the beach
I've influenced Kings and world leaders
I helped Hemingway write like he did
And I'll bet you a drink or two that I can make you
Put that lampshade on your head
2nd Chorus
'Cause since the day I left Milwaukee
Lynchburg and Bordeaux, France
I've been makin' a fool
Out of folks just like you
And helpin' white people dance
I am medicine, and I am poison
I can help you up or make you fall
You had some of the best times
You'll never remember with me
(Repeat 1st Chorus)

1st Verse
When I get where I'm goin'
On the far side of the sky
The first thing that I'm gonna do
Is spread my wings and fly
2nd Verse
I'm gonna land beside a lion
And run my fingers through his mane
Or I might find out what it's like
To ride a drop 'a rain
Yeah, when I get where I'm goin'
There'll be only happy tears
I will shed the sins and struggles
I have carried all these years
And I'll leave my heart wide open
I will love and have no fear
Yeah, when I get where I'm goin'
Don't cry for me down here
3rd Verse
I'm gonna walk with my Grandaddy
And he'll match me step for step
And I'll tell him how I've missed him
Every minute since he left
And then I'll hug his neck
(Repeat Chorus)
So much pain and so much darkness
In this world we stumble through
All these questions I can't answer
And so much work to do
Tag Chorus
But when I get where I'm goin'
And I see my Maker's face
I'll stand forever in the light
Of His amazing grace
Yeah, when I get where I'm goin'
(Oh when I get where I'm goin')
There'll be only happy tears
(I love you, yeah)
I will love and have no fear
(Yeah, when I get where I'm goin')
Yeah, when I get where I'm goin'

1st Verse
Someday I'm gonna be famous
Do I have talent, well, no
These days you don't really need it
Thanks to reality shows
Can't wait to date a supermodel
Can't wait to sue my Dad
Can't wait to wreck a Ferrari
On my way to rehab
1st Chorus
'Cause when you're a celebrity
It's adios reality
You can act just like a fool
And people think you're cool
Just 'cause you're on TV
I can throw a major fit
When my latte isn't just how I like it
And they say I've gone insane
I'll blame it on the fame
And the pressures that go with
Bein' a celebrity, uh huh
2nd Verse
I'll get to cry to Barbara Walters
When things don't go my way
And I'll get community service
No matter which law I break
I'll make the supermarket tabloids
They'll write some awful stuff
But the more they run my name down
The more my price goes up
2nd Chorus
'Cause when you're a celebrity
It's adios reality
No matter what you do
People think you're cool
Just 'cause you're on TV
And I can fall in and out 'a love
Have marriages that barely last a month
When they go down the drain
I'll blame it on the fame
And say it's just so tough
Bein' a celebrity
So let's hitch up the wagons and head out West
To the land of fun in the sun
We'll be real world bachelor jackass millionaires
Hey, hey, Hollywood, here we come
Tag Chorus
Yeah, when you're a celebrity
It's adios reality
No matter what you do
People think you're cool
Just 'cause you're on TV
Bein' a celebrity
Yeah, a celebrity, uh huh
Oh, where's my coffee

1st Verse
A baby's born in the middle of the night
In the local delivery room
They grab his feet, smack him 'til he cries
He goes home the next afternoon
And 'fore you know it, he's off to school
And then he graduates in May
Goes out and gets a Ph.D.
And then cures all sorts of things
Wins a Nobel prize and saves a million different lives
The world's a better place for all he's done
It's funny when you think about the reason he's alive
Is all because two people fell in love
2nd Verse
Right now at a picnic shelter down by Caney Creek
You'll find potato salad, hot dogs, and baked beans
The whole Wilson family's lined up fillin' their paper plates
And they've drove or flown in here from fifteen different states
Well, Stanley Wilson says that sixty years ago he knew
That Miss Emma Tucker was the one
Now five generations get together every June
And all because two people fell in love
1st Chorus
Yeah, there ain't nothin' not affected
When two hearts get connected
All that is, will be, or ever was
Hey, every single choice we make
Every breath we get to take
Is all because two people fell in love
3rd Verse
Well, I recall a young man who was driftin' aimlessly
And a young waitress who seemed lonesome as could be
But in a little cafe right off of 14th Avenue
With a whole lot of help from up above
We met and things sure turned around for me and you
And all because two people fell in love
2nd Chorus
Baby, there ain't nothin' not affected
When two hearts get connected
All that is, will be, or ever was
I'm glad your Dad could not resist
Your Mama's charms and you exist
All because two people fell in love
You know, to me it's all so clear
Every one of us is here
All because two people fell in love
A baby's born in the middle of the night
In the local delivery room
They grab his feet, smack him 'til he cries
He goes home the next afternoon

1st Verse
I talked to my sister in Memphis
And told her you were movin' to town
Here's her number
She said she'd be glad to show you around
Well, I left a map on your front seat
Just in case you lose your way
But don't worry, once you reach Sallisaw
It's all Interstate
1st Pre-Chorus
I know you need to go
But before you do, I want you to know, that I
Wish you the best
And I wish you nothin' less
Than everything you've ever dreamed of
And I hope that you find love along the way
(But) most of all
I wish you'd stay
2nd Verse
I figure right about sundown
You'll be in West Tennessee
And by then
Maybe I'll understand why you had to leave
I know that you've done some changin'
And I know there's no changin' your mind
(And) yes I know
We've been through this a thousand times
2nd Pre-Chorus
And I'm sorry for still holdin' on
I'll try to let go, and I'll try to be strong, and I'll
(Repeat Chorus)
Tag Chorus
Yes, everything you've ever dreamed of
And I hope that you'll find love along the way
(But) most of all
I wish you'd stay
Yeah, I wish you'd stay
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